I know these emergency services have to have some sort of charge. However, to charge an elderly person or a poor person, who probably cannot afford health care coverage to begin with, is nothing short of insane and greedy.
These emergency medical response teams are hear to save lives if at all possible and I would think that most hospitals have some sort of fund to cover these expenses in cases like these. Most cities/counties have a membership fee per year. You would pay so much every year and then use the ambulance and advanced life support all you need. However, as I have stated many times in my life in regard to situations like this,
there are many many people most of them elderly In 1999 there were 32.3 Million people in this country living on or below the poverty level as set forth by the US Government.
Once again, there are many people that during the winter months must decide if they will heat their homes during the winter of if they will have food to eat. Are we suppose to think that these people can afford 300 or 400 dollars for a ride to the hospital?
It is pure crap to treat our elderly in this manner and our it is pure crap to treat our poor in this manner also. It is our government that should see that these people get a fair shake The poor, helpless, homeless, elderly, should all be taken care of.
Once a person is of retirement age and actually retired they should have indeed have free rent, Free medical care including free medicines and, Free heat in their homes during winter months. There are a few countries that actually do this for their people and the seem to handle it quite well.
Now please do not get me wrong. I am an American and proud of it. I love my country and would fight to my death to protect it. However, I as most people can see that we have some very major issues in this country and Washington DC needs to get it's priorities straight and start taking care of the ones that need taking care of. The American Citizen.We need our government to do what is right for our people. As I stated before if the government can give over 700 billion dollars to wall street and and the rest of the crooks in this country then the government can afford to help the American Citizen.
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