Monday, May 24, 2010

Mexican President Felipe Calderon

It seems that the immigration issue grows bigger and bigger everyday. Emotions are very strong on both sides . The whole thing of it is as for me, I want people to be able to improve their lives .I want people to be able to work at having a better life. ALL people, I don't really care where they come from. I think all people should have a chance at being happy and a chance to improve their life in anyway they need. We all should have a chance at a good, healthy, happy life.

However, that chance must be earned because there are no guarantees in this life. None at all. When you work at achieving a goal of any kind, there is always a way to achieve that goal. There is a correct way to achieve it and usually more then just one incorrect way to go about achieving it. When we find a place to live we do not get it for free. We either build it, buy it or, rent it. When we need a new car, we do not just go to the car lot and walk in and get the keys to a car, we first but the car then e drive it off the lot. When we move to another country we do NOT just walk or drive across the boarder with out a visa . However there seems to be plenty people just coming across our boarders with no or a lot have fake documents. This is against our laws in this country. The key word here is ILLEGAL.

Mexican president Felipe Calderon and United States president barack Obama do not seem to understand that. Neither man seem to understand or even care that most Americans support the immigration bill passed in Arizons a few weeks ago. as a matter of fact over 70 precent of the citizens of Arizona approve and support that bill. Instead of our elected leaders vowing to protect our sovereignty as a nation and to put the American citizen first as should be done. President Obama has instead decided to agree with United Nations, Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez, China
and the president of Mexico Felipe Calderon.

I have to agree with a blog article I read just today from author Austin Hill when he wrote in his blog the following statement... It’s nothing short of disgraceful to see the President of the United States undermine us, while the entire world is watching. His behavior has, in no small part, called in to question just how “united” the United States of America is right now.

I think as I have said before that President Obama is indeed a good man. I think he is doing what he thinks is best. However, I do indeed disagree with what he is doing. Instead of the immigration law in Arizona being misguided I think that President obama is the one misguided on the immigration issue. Now, I did and still do support the president on the health care reform. However, on immigration, I think he is way off base. I respect President Obama but, I can respect him and still disagree with him. As far as Mexican President Felipe Calderon is concerned, He just needs to keep his citizens in his own country or at least do his part in seeing tha when they come to the United States, they come here LEGALLY. That is the correct way both morally and politically.

Please take a minute to read the article at the link I provided and you will see that the United States of America is in my opinion being sold out !

Until next time my friends. Take care and stay healthy

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jan Brewer & Sarah Palin

I must admit that I never really cared for Sarah Palin. That was until I heard her say in an interview some things that are very important to me. One of those things was this.
Sarah Palin believes that our boarders in this country should be secure. She has NO problem with people coming into this country the legal way however, She as I have a big problem when people cross our boarders illegally. I am very happy that has teamed with Arizona governor Jan Brewer to try to put a holt on the illegal immigration problem in Arizona. I am also very happy to hear that Texas and a few other states are indeed considering very similar immigration laws. Oh and, by the way, Seventy percent of the citizens in the state of Arizona approve of governor Brewer's immigration law.

What I do not understand is why some of the bleeding hearts across this country have a problem with the Arizona immigration law because I have read the law and it is a mirror of the federal immigration law. A mirror law that is being enforced due to the fact that the federal government has failed and refuses to do anything about the illegal immigration problem.

Now, lets take a look at this problem... Some people say that illegals come here and do the work that Americans refuse to do. That is pure bull crap. In most cases the illegal is hired by employers to do work and they are usually paid in cash under the table. The employers that are doing this pay very very little and they are the ones exploiting the illegals.

Then you have the illegals that come here with fake documents and they really play the system. They get a job with minimal pay because they have fake papers. They get health insurance from that job. They get fired or laid off from that job and because they have fake papers,they draw unemployment benefits. Some of them even have fake papers stating that they have been in this country five years or more and that way they can get welfare. the ones that get welfare are also getting food stamps, free education, free health care and in most cases they get government paid housing.

All this welfare and other benefits have to be paid for somehow and I bet you can guess how they are getting paid can't you? Well, if you can't then please allow me to fill you in. All this welfare and other benefits are being paid by YOU and I and also by our parents and grand parents and for those already retired in this country watch out because if the Obama administration is successful in getting immigration reform passed, the social security benefits that you receive could lessen. or at least I heard that the other day on some radio station I had on. I mean the cost of making some 12 million illegals proud citizens of the United States of America has to be paid some how. And please do not be so misinformed that you might think that the illegals would have to pay all that cost. About the only time someone becoming an American citizen has to pay for that is when that person is doing it the legal way.

I guess another thing I fail to understand is the ones that just want us to make all these Illegals automatic citizens. I mean they have to be educated enough to understand that doing so would put this country in even worse and dire finical shape the it already is in. That is because the lawyers for each illegal would be paid for with American citizen tax dollars instead of that tax money going towards something that can help citizens of this country. Also once they were made citizens, that would be 12 million more people in the health care system that Obama wanted so bad. also, once they became citizens of this country they would be eligible for welfare think about it guys, that is 12 million more people that could get on welfare and you think taxes are bad already, just wait until that happens. this is not the United States of America anymore. This country has become the United States of come on in and bleed us dry. My parents and grand parents and for sure this countries founding fathers would roll over in their graves if they could see what this country has become

Now people if you disagree with what I write then you are more then welcome to click on the dislike button and also if you can send me an email telling me why you didn't like it I will be more then happy to respond in a civil matter. However, I have already turned over to the proper authorities the hate mail I have received. Any more hate mail will also be turned over to the authorities! This blog is all about the exchange of opinions, thoughts and ideas. This blog is NOT about the name calling some of you guys seem to just have to do and it is NOT about threats that some of you seem to like to make.

If my blog bothers you that much then, DON"T FREAKING READ IT !! it is that simple.

In closing I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to the State of Arizona and Governor Jan Brewer and also Sarah Palin for not being afraid to STAND UP for the United States of America and the American Citizen

Thursday, May 6, 2010


What's wrong with America? Well that is a big question and there are more then just one answer to that question. There are a lot of things wrong with our country but, let's all remember there are also a lot of things right with our country. What's right with America will be a separate blog. Now on to the things that America should change if we want to remain a world leader.

1. A big problem that we have in this country is ( unemployment ) It's the worst since 1945, and that's if you believe the official government numbers that don't even count people who gave up looking for work. Also, please remember that back in 1945 there were not near as many people in this country as we have today. There are many many Americans today that are not working and not because they do not want to work but rather, because they can't find work.

2. Our public schools systems is also a big problem in this country. There are The and have been cases where as a public school system has passed a student when that student has not had good enough grades to pass.

3. Health insurance for Americans. Ah, now that is a real big issue. I admit we have to do something about the health insurance in this country or maybe do something about the lack of insurance for Americans. WE will have to wait and see just how well President Obama's health care reform works out for the average American citizen.
4. The Environmental policies in or country at time have a lot to be desired. We constantly dump chemicals and poisons in our rivers and waterways. I fear that some day soon this practice of polluting America's water ways will catch up with us. As a matter of fact it already has started to catch up with us and we can see that every time we test our water. In a way it has gotten somewhat better but still, we do have large corporations that continue to poison our lakes and rivers. I found an article from the yea 2004 and I would think our rivers and waterways have become even more polluted since then.
5. Our nation is being over run by Illegal immigrants. We have laws against people being in this country illegally. yet our entire system of education, medical, food stamp and welfare systems are bombarded by the illegals. Strange thing is that the our government has as far as immigration reform is this....Just give them citizenship. Oh and if they happen to have family members back home, They can come into the U.S. and be handed citizenship too. Problem is, this country can not afford to continue to take care of these people and, the ONLY sensible thing to do is send them back from where they came . Now I can just see all the hate mail coming in AGAIN because every time I say that in a blog I get plenty of it. To be honest I don't care. I know illegal immigration is wrong and so do the people sending me the hate emails. This country needs better security at the boarders and better ways to stop our boarders from being crossed by illegals. Take a look at this page and you will also want our government to do something about this issue and do it NOW
Until next time my friends take care and stay healthy