Monday, May 24, 2010

Mexican President Felipe Calderon

It seems that the immigration issue grows bigger and bigger everyday. Emotions are very strong on both sides . The whole thing of it is as for me, I want people to be able to improve their lives .I want people to be able to work at having a better life. ALL people, I don't really care where they come from. I think all people should have a chance at being happy and a chance to improve their life in anyway they need. We all should have a chance at a good, healthy, happy life.

However, that chance must be earned because there are no guarantees in this life. None at all. When you work at achieving a goal of any kind, there is always a way to achieve that goal. There is a correct way to achieve it and usually more then just one incorrect way to go about achieving it. When we find a place to live we do not get it for free. We either build it, buy it or, rent it. When we need a new car, we do not just go to the car lot and walk in and get the keys to a car, we first but the car then e drive it off the lot. When we move to another country we do NOT just walk or drive across the boarder with out a visa . However there seems to be plenty people just coming across our boarders with no or a lot have fake documents. This is against our laws in this country. The key word here is ILLEGAL.

Mexican president Felipe Calderon and United States president barack Obama do not seem to understand that. Neither man seem to understand or even care that most Americans support the immigration bill passed in Arizons a few weeks ago. as a matter of fact over 70 precent of the citizens of Arizona approve and support that bill. Instead of our elected leaders vowing to protect our sovereignty as a nation and to put the American citizen first as should be done. President Obama has instead decided to agree with United Nations, Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez, China
and the president of Mexico Felipe Calderon.

I have to agree with a blog article I read just today from author Austin Hill when he wrote in his blog the following statement... It’s nothing short of disgraceful to see the President of the United States undermine us, while the entire world is watching. His behavior has, in no small part, called in to question just how “united” the United States of America is right now.

I think as I have said before that President Obama is indeed a good man. I think he is doing what he thinks is best. However, I do indeed disagree with what he is doing. Instead of the immigration law in Arizona being misguided I think that President obama is the one misguided on the immigration issue. Now, I did and still do support the president on the health care reform. However, on immigration, I think he is way off base. I respect President Obama but, I can respect him and still disagree with him. As far as Mexican President Felipe Calderon is concerned, He just needs to keep his citizens in his own country or at least do his part in seeing tha when they come to the United States, they come here LEGALLY. That is the correct way both morally and politically.

Please take a minute to read the article at the link I provided and you will see that the United States of America is in my opinion being sold out !

Until next time my friends. Take care and stay healthy

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