Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Peruvian child becomes symbol of US undocumented

It seems that everyday we get bombarded with the sad news all about children of illegal aliens. Yes, I refuse to be politicly correct by using the term undocumented workers. I mean of course they are undocumented. They are undocumented solely because they are here in the United States ILLEGALLY! Now, I do feel sorry for the children of the illegals. The poor kids are between a rock and a hard place. I say this because contrary to popular belief, we do NOT have any right to make a child a citizen of the United States simply because the child's parents/parent was in the United States ILLEGALLY when the child was born. If you need the short version of that then, here it is.... The United States has NO legal right to make any child born of parents that are in this country ILLEGALLY a United States citizen by birth right.We do not posses the power to do that! The 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution makes that very clear. Misinterpreted birthrights and citizenship

The problem is that our government has always known that and they went ahead and did it anyhow for many years. I guess it is ok for the government to break our laws. They seem to do it all the time anyhow. Now this is NOT a Obama issue or a Bush issue or a Clinton issue. This breaking the law and making children born of ILLEGAL aliens citizens has been going on for many many years. Why is this you wonder. Well, they say that the 14th amendment was misinterpreted. that could very well be the reason. However, now that they know what the 14th amendment really means. Now that they know the amendment does NOT give this country the right to make anyone a citizen just because of birth right alone. That means it is time to STOP doing it ! I feel that a lot of these women come over here ILLEGALLY either already pregnant or they get pregnant here in the U.S. knowing that it will make it much easier for Mommy to stay here if her child is an American citizen.

This is proof enough that we have to do our very best to secure our boarders and we need to do it right away. I have nothing against folks from other countries. I myself have lived in other countries other then the U.S. However, I did it legally, I did not sneak in to another country and strain their recourses. I obeyed and respected their laws. I did not take from their government except their government health insurance and that everyone has to have in Norway. I became a resident the correct way and I I did things their way. The people coming into the United States Illegally are not in anyway helping the situation at all. I get so tired of hearing that these poor people come here for a better life and they do the jobs that us lazy Americans just refuse to do. That is such a bunch of crap and heavy crap at that.

The article about the little girl telling First Lady Michelle Obama that the Mother of this little girl had no papers struck the heart of most Americans I am sure. However, a lot of folks seem to not understand that the key word here is ILLEGAL! If anyone does not understand any part of the word ILLEGAL, PLEASE let me know and I will do my best to explain it to you.

I do indeed feel sorry for the children and some sort of acceptable agreement has to be worked out on that issue because i don't think we can keep making a baby born on U.S. soil who's parent/parents are ILLEGALS a citizen by birth right. Now maybe I understand why so many in government say the constitution is worthless and we all know that a few presidents have done what they could to get certain things taken out of the constitution .

It is a sad day for America when a president can dictate to us what we can have in the constitution. President George Bush did all he could to get some things out of the constitution. I admit I don't know what exactly they were I just remember reading a newspaper that had that story in it sometime ago. If my memory serves me correctly it had something to to wit the patriotic act.

Now back to the ILLEGALS. Just giving someone in this country ILLEGALLY citizenship is just down right stupid. That would be like if you robbed a bank then the bank would have to allow you to deposit the money you stole and treat you as a preferred customer.

I think a lot of people including the democrats in this country think that the immigration law that the state of Arizona has is something bad and I can tell you that law is almost a mirror image of
our federal immigration law. you know the one that the federal government will not enforce. I fount this post at the end of the article about this little girl. the post is as follows below.

I suggest that everyone who questions the Arizona immigration law take a close look at the immigration laws of Mexico. They are remarkably similar to the law passed by the state of Arizona. Can you say "double standard"?

That post above is what we all need to take into account. Why do we allow these people to come here and break our laws? I hope you all understand that if we went into Mexico or any other country illegally the very least that would happen to us would be that we would be arrested and if we were lucky, we would be deported back to the U.S.A. as I said that would be if we were lucky. So why should we allow these kind folks from other countries just to cross our boarders ILLEGALLY and use our country's resources that are all ready strained. and so many of these ILLEGALS come here with fake documents as so one of the first thing they do once here is head on down to the local welfare office and get benefits they should not be getting. True there is a law saying that they can not get welfare until they have been in this country LEGALLY for at least five years but as I said they have fake documents and they get jobs and health insurance and paid vacations, sick days all on FAKE documents. Sorry people but that is not fair to the many many Americans who can't even go to an emergency room because they have no insurance. Yet some ILLEGAL can just come across the boarder and get everything just as if they were born here.

This little girl is a sad case that is true but the feds already stated that her family will not at least at this time be sent back and to be honest in my opinion they really should be made to leave this country as well as the rest of the ILLEGALS and they should take their children with them

Come on Mr. President, do you're job. Enforce our IMMIGRATION laws!!!.

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